

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Weekend Which Refused to Go Away

2 things happened on this weekend. Both with effects that were felt even at the time of writing this post (~5:00 PM, the following Tuesday)

1) I saw the Batman movie (soon to be referred to as the Joker Movie) twice in two days. Like I told a friend, brilliant, poetic, orgasmic. Still feeling the chills from that one. The dialogues still rattle off my tongue, even ones that are a few sentences long.

2) I ate a soapy lamb sizzler right after the movie. i think it was pure optimism (and a little bit of i-can't-wait-to-eat) that drove us to that under populated restaurant. Well, Robin seems to have put the effects of that little jaunt wonderfully (albeit a little graphically)

Fact remains, choice of restaurant is one place where you NEED to walk ON THE BEATEN TRACK. Do as everybody else does. Else spend the next few days in the (very) private confines of the loo, or in surroundings that threaten to smell like it, if ya get my drift (pun intended)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Vodafone Elevator Ad - The Real Story


A spoof on one of my favourite ads... trying to get the song, it appears to be an original agency creation. kickass O&M.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dude where's my bike

here's something i hope doesn't happen to me. Always secure the back wheel people. Always the back wheel...

from: The Fail Blog

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

Kha(w)aja Mere Kha(w)aja...

Khawaja Mere Khawaja

RadioReloaded.com | Download thousands of MP3s

Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Reduced Carbon Footprint

bought myself a bike.. use it to get to work everyday.
no autorickshaws, no burning fuel. Zero emissions (well, almost, depending on what i have eaten the previous night :P) Mine has officially become a Euro 256 compatible lifestyle.

and I love it !!
